This was my first time in Trijam! It was a fun challange, but I ran out of time before adding any audio unfortunately. Next time, perhaps!

Also the score text is cut off top left but thats how it goes sometimes :p

Made in ~3 hours for Trijam 284: Build during the day, defend at night

  • WASD to move
  • Walk over sticks to pick them up
  • Walk near nest to add the stick you're carrying to the nest
  • At night, click to flap your wings at the rats to protect your eggs
Published 26 days ago
Tags2D, Pixel Art, Singleplayer, Top-Down


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Filthy Rats ate my nest and eggs.

I like the idea, I really wanted to protect my eggs!

However, I've noticed a little bug: sometimes, when the rats reach our nest, we can't click to flap our wings (and our poor eggs get eaten)